1. Establishing Shot: This was to show that we were starting off the video in the weight room letting the audience know that we would be working out during this video. It established location for our video.
2. High Angle: This shot shows from above that Mikayla is tying her shoe. It give the viewers a clear view of her getting ready to work out.
3. Medium Close Up: This was of me telling Mikayla to tie her hair before we start working out. This shot was used so you could clearly see me then moving to Mikayla tying her hair
4. Wide Shot: We used this shot to clearly show the location where Sam was running since there was a location switch to the gym.
5. Medium Shot: This Shot was used to show me doing sit-ups. It showed my full body on what I was doing.
6. Full Shot: This Shot was used to show Sam’s full body on how to do lunges. If we weren’t to include her full body then you might not have been able to tell what she was doing.
7. Close Up: This Shot was used mainly to add humor to me doing “pushups”. If the shot wasn’t close up like this I would’ve just looked even more dumb from far away.
8.Single : We used this Shot to show just Mikayla doing “weights” with the Yeti.
9. Low Angle: This Shot was used to show the angle of Mikayla squatting. This makes the top of the frame seem taller than normal
10. Medium Full: This shot showed Sam doing a wall sit. It clearly showed her whole body and her sitting into the wall sit. If her whole body wasn’t clear ,you may not be able to tell what she is doing.
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